Are Acting Classes Helpful?

Acting is an art form, and actors are talented artists. Are actors born with an innate talent for performance, or is it a learned skill? If acting is a learned skill, does that mean anyone can learn how to be a great actor? 

The simple answer to all of these questions is…yes. Yes, actors possess a talent for performing. Yes, actors spend a considerable amount of time learning the craft and developing their skills. But, yes, with the proper training and dedication, anyone can learn to be a great actor. 

What\’s more, acting classes offer tangible benefits that extend far beyond simply training for a career as an actor. Let\’s take a look at the many different ways that acting classes can improve your performance in every area of your life, both on stage and off.

Acting is an art form, and actors are talented artists. Are actors born with an innate talent for performance, or is it a learned skill? If acting is a learned skill, does that mean anyone can learn how to be a great actor? 

The simple answer to all of these questions is…yes. Yes, actors possess a talent for performing. Yes, actors spend a considerable amount of time learning the craft and developing their skills. But, yes, with the proper training and dedication, anyone can learn to be a great actor. 

What\’s more, acting classes offer tangible benefits that extend far beyond simply training for a career as an actor. Let\’s take a look at the many different ways that acting classes can improve your performance in every area of your life, both on stage and off.

Build Confidence

Though it is not evident when viewing a finished performance, actors must perform their art repeatedly in front of rooms full of other actors, various crew members, a camera lens, or a live audience. 

While some actors are born to stand in the spotlight, many must learn to overcome their self-consciousness and anxiety through acting classes and relaxation techniques. Acting classes for beginners often spend considerable time working with students to overcome their performance anxiety and ward off stage fright. The confidence-building techniques learned in acting classes efficiently translate into students\’ everyday lives, allowing them to project confidence in every situation. 

Online acting classes are a great option for shy students because learning to speak in front of a virtual class from the safety of your own home can often be an easy first step towards building the confidence required to deliver a performance in a face-to-face setting.

Master Communication Skills

Building confidence is just one aspect of becoming a great performer. Actors must also master the art of communication. Communicating ideas and emotions effectively requires the ability to speak clearly, enunciate well, and project one\’s voice so that the words being conveyed can be heard from the front rows to the balcony. 

Acting classes teach students how to speak clearly and powerfully and how to recognize when a well-placed pause in speech or a change in cadence or tone can add weight and impact to their words. It is not hard to imagine how valuable this nuanced knowledge of communication technology could be in the boardroom, on the campaign trail, or at the negotiation table. 

Improve Social Skills

Of course, the spoken word is just one aspect of human communication. Truth be told, a large part of the messages we communicate to one another is done without speaking a word. We use all manner of non-verbal communication from winks, to shrugs, to more subtle gestures like the shifting of weight from one foot to the other, crossing our legs or arms, or the tilt of the head, to communicate everything from displeasure to excitement, to fear, to intense interest. 

Being aware of the non-verbal cues that we are projecting and interpreting the non-verbal cues of others is crucial to developing strong social skills. Being able to see the unspoken message being conveyed alongside the words being spoken will not only make you a better listener, but when appropriately honed, it can also up your social game immeasurably whether you are at the club, networking at a big industry convention, or chatting up the paparazzi on the red carpet.  

Expand Your Perspective

Actors must tap into the complex emotions and motivations of their characters to convey them convincingly to the audience. Acting classes help students become more aware of their feelings and thought processes. This self-awareness is a critical step to gaining an awareness and understanding of the motivations and emotions of others. 

As students become more aware of their feelings, thoughts, and emotions, they are better able to understand the perspectives of others. Understanding why other people feel different emotions and why they make the decisions they do or take the actions they take is crucial to developing empathy and compassion. Learning to see the world from the perspective of others is an invaluable life skill that will benefit you in your professional life and your relationships with yourself and with others.

Gain Poise

We all have unconscious behaviors that we do without even being aware of. Unfortunately, often these subtle body motions can undermine our best efforts to project strength and confidence by exposing our most deep-seated insecurities. 

If we are taller than our peers, we may develop the habit of slouching our shoulders and bending our heads down in an unconscious effort to shrink ourselves. In addition, if we have a lot of nervous energy, we may develop any number of self-soothing habits like fidgeting with a necklace, twisting our hair, looking down when speaking to others, or adjusting our clothing over and over. Oftentimes, these behaviors are so ingrained that we do not even notice that we are doing them, and they can be challenging habits to break. 

Because an actor\’s body is the tool they use to perform their craft, acting classes are excellent for teaching techniques and skills required to gain mastery over one\’s body. Through the honing of these techniques, students become aware of the power and grace of their bodies. There is nothing that exudes strength and confidence more than someone who is entirely at home in their skin.

Become A Better Team Player

Whether performed in front of a camera or on a stage, nearly every dramatic scene involves the interaction of a cast of characters played by other actors, a crew of technicians operating the cameras, managing the lighting, and directing the action. 

Acting classes teach students how to interact with a team of peers and mentors so that the whole becomes something more significant than its parts. Actors must learn to set aside their egos to absorb and utilize the constructive criticism from mentors to help them grow and improve their skillset. Actors must also learn to read the verbal and non-verbal cues from other actors and crew to work together to bring a scene to life for the audience. 

The importance of teamwork in the acting world can not be stressed enough, and the team-building techniques and skills practiced in acting class are equally impactful in the outside world. Being able to effectively function as an essential part of a team of peers and mentors is just as effective in the world of sports, business, government, or family life as it is on the stage or the movie set. 

Now that we have discussed the many benefits of taking acting classes let\’s look at some of the most frequently asked questions that people often ask when considering enrolling in acting classes.

Are Online Acting Classes Available?

With so much of the business and education world shifting to an online format, many ask if acting classes are available for online participants. The answer is yes; there are many online acting classes available. With the use of webcams and virtual meeting room software platforms such as Zoom and others, actors and instructors can interact with one another much like they would in an in-person setting.

Can Children Participate In Acting Classes?

While children\’s acting classes are available for adolescents and teens from the ages of 9 to 13 years old, we generally find that younger children do better with more individualized training, as they have not yet developed the mental acuity needed to participate effectively in a group class setting. 

How Much Do Acting Classes Cost?

The cost of acting classes can vary quite a bit depending on the country\’s region, the school\’s reputation, and the individual fee structure of the school administration and instructors. This wide range of factors makes it challenging to provide an accurate price estimate for the cost of acting classes.

We can provide the current pricing structure for the Actors In Action Conservatory classes. Our acting classes are currently priced at the monthly rate of $159 per month for adult acting classes and $129 per month for children\’s acting classes for kids aged from 9 years old to 13 years old. For those looking for more advanced actor\’s training, we also offer a Class Plus option at the cost of $259 per month. The Class Plus option includes a weekly 30-minute individual training session in addition to the regular adult\’s or children\’s acting classes. 

Where Can I Find Acting Classes Near Me?

The Actors In Action Conservatory is centrally located in Salt Lake City, Utah, and open to students from all surrounding areas. However, if you are located outside of the Salt Lake City area, you are still welcome to join us in one of our many online acting classes. 

Contact us today to learn more about the exciting benefits of acting training at the Actors In Action Conservatory. We can\’t wait to meet you!