Don’t Recite Your Lines, Discover Your Lines

So here’s a dilemma. We have to learn our lines to play our parts. But once we’re playing them it needs to seem like we’ve never said those lines before. HOW DO WE DO THAT?!

First, you need to memorize the heck out of them. Learn the lines by heart. Know them backwards and forwards so you have no hesitation saying them at all. I watched the Netflix documentary Cheer about the Navarro College’s world class cheerleaders. Their coach was talking about them learning their routines and I loved what she said, which was, “Do it till you get it right and then do it till you can’t get it wrong.” That’s how it should be with memorizing.

OK, so you know your lines, now you can’t just recite them, say them by rote. So many times actors will do that and it has nothing to do with good acting. Great acting comes from impulse, reaching deep with in and letting yourself be guided by your instincts. What do you feel like doing? What does your gut say? Your heart? If you’re all in your head about saying your lines, you’ll never get to the instinctual acting level. So here you have to do something a little tricky, a little split-brained. You the actor will need to feed you the character the lines and let you the character DISCOVER them as you speak.

Say what? Try it. Take a piece you have been working on, monologue or scene, something you know really well. Now pretend like you have no idea what you’re going to say next – just like we often do in real life – hint, hint – and let the words come out of your mouth. LISTEN to yourself as you speak, discover the next word, let what you’re saying surprise you. Take your time with this, there is no rush, you are just exploring right now. Now, how did that feel? Real? Natural? A bit unnerving? Good. That’s how it should feel. There needs to be a bit of thrilling uncertainty in your acting, in fact quite a bit.

Now, keep practicing this with all your auditions, scenes, and monologues. When it comes time to perform or tape, keep the pace up, keep your intention strong, keep your focus on your partner, but let yourself discover the words like you’ve never said them before. That will bring out the wonder of your character.
Go try it! It’s going to be fun. And it might make a world of difference to your acting.

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