Julianne Moore – Quotes To Live By

One of my favorite actresses is the lovely and amazing Julianne Moore. And it’s not just that we share a first name.

I started watching her years ago when she played twins on As the World Turns, which was her first major role, and she won a Day Time Emmy for her performance.

One of the things I have always loved about her is her truthful, thoughtful, strong performances. She is the furthest from what I would call a selfish actor. Making her roles all about what she can find in herself to reflect back the humanity of others.

That’s why I love her quote posted above.

Because it really is about the audience when we perform. That’s why we act, isn’t it? To move them, to transport them, to help them see and experience life in ways they never have before.

If you want to learn a thing or two about acting, watch her work. For decades she has consistently made films, quietly working away, turning out some amazing performances. Here’s a list of her films, so take a watch: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000194/

We all could learn from our dear Ms. Moore. Thank you for your years of inspiration and beauty! Thank you for your masterful performances and consistency. Thank you for your example and work ethic! And that hair! She’s truly an icon.