Margot Robbie

Margot Robbie –

Overnight Sensation? Think again.

When you see someone as talented and lovely as Margot Robbie for the first time chances are you’re going to think, “Well, duh! Of course she’s a movie star!”

I have to confess I thought that very thing when I first noticed her, which was as Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad. Not very nice of me.

Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad
Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad

The fact is, Margot Robbie has been working on her career for years. She had a yen for performing when she was a kid living back in Australia. Her mother enrolled her in a circus school where she mastered the art of trapeze by an early age. She studied acting at Somerset College while still in High School, started booking independent films and once she got old enough, she headed off to the big city of Melbourne.

There she made her TV debut in 2008.

That’s fifteen years ago.

This is indeed not an overnight success story.

Of course a lot has happened for her since then. And why? Because she hustled and worked very hard. Yes, she was beautiful, yes, she was talented, but lucky breaks don’t just happen on their own. You have to put yourself out there. It’s said that with the OK of her agent she called a production company daily until she was put through to the casting director and got to audition for a certain show. She ended up booking the role, which was just supposed to be a short-lived guest star, but she hit it off so well they made the character a series regular.

After staying on the show for several years, she made the leap to Hollywood and started booking there. Did she fly into LA and land the lead in a major feature film like BARBIE? No.

She got a small part in a series. And then the series got canceled.

Imagine the heart break.

But more opportunities came, she booked bigger roles, and her success grew. But it wasn’t easy. Even the fame and success took a toll. After The Wolf of Wall Street in which she played a stockbroker’s wife, she found herself so overwhelmed with attention she even considered quitting acting.

But she didn’t. She kept going.

Why? Probably because she’s an actor and actors have to act. Sound familiar? If you are reading this now chances are you also want to act, and probably want to act as much as Margot Robbie did and does.

Here’s the thing about wanting to act. That desire can actually become your superpower.

If you listen to it, if you take it seriously, if you take action on it—it will grow.

It will make you tenacious. Just like Margot.

Nothing will be able to stop you.

So listen to yourself. Figure out how you can take action NOW and grow your dreams.

Here’s a list of actions you can take to feed your desire to act:
Watch inspiring movies/TV shows
Read STORY by Robert McKee
Read plays
See plays
Find a great acting class and enroll
Get actor friends together and work on scenes
Shoot some reel clips
Read about famous actors and how they “made it”
Daydream about your success
Do mindset work
Learn to use your voice
Take a movement class
Study your favorite actors—watch a string of their movies
Dump people who aren’t supportive of your acting dreams
Talk to other actors who are further along than you
Listen to yourself
Believe in yourself
Have faith

Margot said of her first time being on set, “It was like a dream come true.”

Let your dreams come true! You deserve it.

And thanks Margot for being such an inspiration! Not to mention being the perfect specimen to bring our beloved Barbie to life!