How Do You Unwind

How Do You Unwind?

How Do You Unwind?

Did you know that MOST acting techniques/methods/ways of working are based on RELAXATION?

That’s because it’s super important to be relaxed when you’re acting. If you’re not relaxed you can’t access your true self, you’ll stay stuck in a façade, a cliché, you won’t be able to be real and human. And your acting will . . . well, not be very good.

A lot of us don’t know HOW to relax though, do we? Or at least not on our own, not without the help of some kind of substance—food, drink, whatever. But learning to unwind just on our own is a super healthy thing to do. And when you’re on set or about to step on stage you’ll need all your mental facilities intact, not impaired by anything.

So what do you do to unwind?

There are lots of ways to let go of tension and get into a relaxed state of mind. I’m talking selfcare things, yoga, baths, invigorating walks, or casual strolls.

One way I love to unwind is to travel. Even if it’s just a day trip. A change in location can really loosen the mind and help to reset. Ever notice when you go on a long-ish trip (week or more) you come back home and your true priorities have revealed themselves to you?

I was lucky enough to go to Scotland a few months back. I went with family and we did a grand tour, Edinburgh, Inverness, a bunch of castles and we even went to the small village where our ancestors came from. The entire time I was out there I didn’t worry about ANYTHING. It was so marvelous. When I got back home I decided I was just going to carry on that attitude and not worry, just do my work and let things happen as they may. It was so refreshing and really helped in all areas of my life.

I’m not saying you need to take a world tour to relax and unwind, but it is important as artists that we fill our well with nurturing experiences. Experiences that bring out the best in us, teach us to let go and focus, that help us experience what our real humanity feels like.

After all it is our real humanity we need to base our acting in.

Here’s a list of things to do to unwind. Please feel free to add to it, remembering we’re all different and what works for some won’t work for all.

Take a bath
Light some candles
Savor scents
Sniff some citrus
Read a book
Go for a run
Lay under a weighted blanket
Spend time in nature
Plan a trip
Take a trip
Take some L-Theanine
Brush your teeth
Wash your face
Take some alone time
Take a bathroom break
Sit in the sunshine
Stare out the window
Listen to windchimes
Roll a tennis ball under your feet
Support someone
Take a hike
Ride your bike
Take a shower
Do some yoga
Do some hot yoga
Do some meditation
Write something
Listen to music
Get a massage
Play an instrument
Paint or draw
People watch
Make something with your hands
Try knitting
Needle point (a fav of mine)
Cuddle with your pet
Watch a movie
Do a mindfulness task
Reflect on positive events
Drink tea
Eat slowly
Take a catnap
Swing on a swing
Make soup
Color in an adult coloring book
Look through old photos
Watch the stars
Watch the clouds
Listen to a calming podcast
Take a digital break

Whatever you do, make sure it’s relaxing for you. And try to do something to unwind at least several times a week. It will help you in your life and in your acting.

If you have things to add to our list of unwinds, let us know. Email at

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