You ARE an actor

If you feel the urge to act take it seriously. It means you are meant to act. That you are an actor. And that urge will never go away.

I have so many people that come to my classes who have wanted to act their whole lives and haven’t dared, or didn’t have the time, or thought they had to do other things with their lives. But acting always wins out. The desire to act.

So do yourself a favor, LISTEN. To yourself. Get enrolled in that acting class. Start reading plays. Join a scene study group. Audtion for that film or play.

You might think you are too old or it’s too late. But it never is with acting. There are roles for all kinds of people, ages, races, orientations. It’s not the NFL or New York City Ballet – your career isn’t over at 35.

You can do it!

Sign up for our free 15min Inqury. Ask us your questions. Tell us your dreams. We’re here to facilitate.

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